Teal Environmental
Fine Tailings Dewatering
Canada has rich energy resources and mineral resources. For example, Alberta's oil sands has the fourth-largest oil reserves in the world and Canada is the world’s largest producer and exporter of potash. Although all mining industries produce fine tailings, fluid fine tailings (FFT) or mature fine tailings (MFT) in the oil sand industry have attracted the most significant attention. The accumulated FFT has reached around 1400 million cubic meters by 2020. COSIA member companies have spent 1.5 billions of dollars in research to seek solutions to reclaim the FFT /MFT in the past decades, however, most solutions were either failed to eliminate the tailing ponds or not affordable for commercialization. Potash mining companies and metal mining companies have similar fine tailings decontamination problems and water reuse problems.
Technonically the solids in FFT/MFT will not settle under natural conditions. The reclamation cost of each square kilometer of tailings ponds can be more than 100 million dolars with present technologies. Even with the recently proposed Water Capping technique, the requirements of a higher dam and larger fluid volume could result in a higher construction Capex, facility maintenance Opex and larger risk of dam failure.
Our recently developed Deep Dewatering technologies are game-changing techniques which reclaim fine tailings to terrestrial landform whist recycling more water.
Reducing tailings pond reclamation costs up to 90%
One step dewatering to reach slurry shear strength >5kPa
Recycling more water for production
Oil sand FFT/MFT drying
Potash fine tailngs decontamination
Mining tailins dewatering